Can you believe that the streets of London once had more than a fair share of dangerous and undesirable characters...many of them children and women. Thieves, pickpockets, highway robbers, murderers - they all received harsh justice if caught, and many were.
Those sent to prison often faced years in squalor and filth and were frequently struck-down with disease. What seemed minor offences were often punishable by hanging, transportation and whipping. Worst of all, you could be hanged, drawn and quartered.
Now all that might put you off from joining the next CRIME AND PUNISHMENT walk around the streets of the City. But if you want to find out more about this fascinating aspect of London's history then come along and join the LONDON FOOTSTEPS group on Saturday morning, 19th May 2007.
Meet me, David Williams, outside the main entrance of London's Fenchurch Street Station at 10.45 am. The walk lasts for two hours and costs just £5. Pay on the day.
Come along and take a leisurely stroll through the history of one of the world's great cities.