The atmosphere in Covent Gardens is what makes this place so popular with visitors. The street performers, the restaurants, the shops - all combine to make this an exciting experience; it's a place where people have fun; they can laugh and applaud some talented and often bizarre acts yet also step inside the peace and quiet of St. Paul's Church and be reminded of some of the greatest names in theatrical history.
The attraction of a walk to Covent Garden is that you can turn a corner or stroll down an alley and be surprised and mystified. Why are there still so many gas lights in the streets; what has Punch and Judy to do with the Piazza; why are their eight Mercer's Maidens high on on the buildings in Dryden Street; what is the significance of Drury Lane Gardens.
Join me on the next Covent Garden walk to find out some of the answers. There are clues everywhere. Turn back the clock 150 years and you get a completely different impression of the place. In those days thousands lived in conditions that encouraged crime and spread disease. The area around the market were some of the worst slums in London. Fun meant going to the tavern and getting drunk or spending time with prostitutes. If you could afford it there was entertainment at the Royal Opera House or the Theatre Royal.
Make a note of the next time the COVENT GARDEN WALK appears on the LONDON FOOTSTEPS programme and make an effort to come along. You'll be surprised and sometimes shocked to learn more about this part of London.