Sunday, August 19, 2007


One of the great attractions of London is the element of surprise. Wander through the streets, squares, alleyways and passages and there is always something to catch the eye...a plaque here, a statue there, a hidden church, a colourful garden...and so it goes on.

BLOOMSBURY is like that so why not join a walk on Thursday, 30th August to wander through the squares and gardens of this elegant and stylish area just north of the City. Those in the 17th and 18th centuries who could afford to live in style and splendour moved away from the increasingly-squalid city and settled for the cleaner and fresher surroundings of Bloomsbury.

If you want to join THE SQUARES OF BLOOMSBURY walk then make a booking by calling your walking guide, David Williams, on 01702 710232.

The meeting place is HOLBORN UNDERGROUND STATION (in the booking hall) at 11 am.

The cost is just £5 per person - pay on the day.