Nearly 2000 years of history
A two-hour walk through the streets, passages, alleys, and gardens of the City of London is a journey through the pages of history. When the Romans arrived nearly 2,000 years ago they saw the potential of this site on the banks of the River Thames. Here was an opportunity to settle, start trading and extend their great Empire.
Little remains of that early civilisation. It has disappeared almost completely as London was re-built over the centuries. Yet there are still some reminders of Roman times to be seen, especially the wall built around the City to protect the inhabitants and keep out the invaders.
Perhaps the most remarkable discovery in recent times has been the Roman amphitheatre. When the Guildhall Art Gallery was being built in the late 1980's, the construction engineers found the remains buried deep under the Guildhall yard. Today, a reconstruction of the amphitheatre can be visited under the Art Gallery and a circle of black marble round the yard marks the extent of this Roman arena.
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