Seeing London is one thing; sitting and listening to a lecture is another. The best way to combine the two is by using a Powerpoint presentation - and that's something which is a popular feature of the lectures that I give on London subjects.
Take THE RIVER OF HISTORY, for example. It's a very popular walk, from the Tower to the Millenium Bridge. It traces the path of London's history from the arrival of the Romans when they established Londinium in AD 43 to the remarkable story of the Wobbly Bridge - even though it doesn't wobble anymore.
It's a great walk, lots to see and talk about, and one that converts easily into a Powerpoint presentation. So in the depths of winter in a crowded village hall somewhere deep in the countryside, I can almost bring that experience to life for members of a local History Society, the Women's Institute or a gathering of the U3A.
The talks diary is already filling up for 2008 - and I've got a couple of firm dates for 2009. There are nearly always requests to come back - with Samuel Pepys, the Great Fire of London, City Churches and the role of the Livery Companies being popular choices for follow-up visits.
If you have a group, society or organisation that may not be able to join a LONDON WALK then the next best thing is to book a talk. Check out my profile and send me an e-mail if your interested and I'll come back with all the details.
But don't forget the walks! Strolling through the history of London in the Spring and Summer is an experience you shouldn't miss.
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